This project was funded via the NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Fund and administered by NHS Dumfries and Galloway Endowment Fund. COVID-19 highlighted the and exacerbated the inequalities that exist for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. NHS Dumfries and Galloway used the funds awarded to support the following aims:
- Increase awareness within majority population of the positive contribution of ethnic minority communities.
- Creating a culture where it is safe to talk about experience as a staff member from an ethnic minority community.
- Increasing voices of ethnic minority communities and the listening capacity of the majority population.
- Embedding equality and embracing diversity to improve organisational culture.

A number of NHS Scotland Workforce Policies and supporting documents are available at the following link, including Bullying and Harassment, Grievance and Whistleblowing. Further NHS Policies can be accessed via the internal intranet.
Staff Equality Network
To register interest and find out more about the Ethnic Minority Staff Equality Network, please contact:
The Staff Equality Network is open to all staff working across health and social care.