NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Health and Wellbeing - Emotional

Your emotional Health and Wellbeing intro text 

Please select from the options below for information and support


Dealing with
Loss & Grief

Mental Health
First Aid

First Aid

Resources for you
& your team

Rest & Relaxation


Visit the NHS approved apps library : Click here 

Other useful apps:

Useful links for Mindfulness: 

Recommended apps:

  • Insight Timer – for sleep, anxiety and stress
  • Headspace – for everyday mindfulness 
  • Smiling Mind – to help de-stress and stay calm
  • Stop, Breathe and Think – for guided meditations and mindfulness
  • ACT Coach – for managing feelings through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy principles
  • ACT Companion – for managing feelings through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy principles (free for 3 months if you use the password “together”)

Anxiety, Stress & Depression

Courageous Conversations

Dealing with Loss & Grief

Dealing with loss and grief during COVID-19

Mental Health First Aid

Psychological First Aid


Resources for your & your team

Rest & Relaxation Spaces

Spiritual Care

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