Directorate of Public Health
Welcome to the Public Health Directorate
Who We Are
Welcome to Public Health. Our aim is to promote Better Health & Wellbeing to reduce health inequalities through the health improvement agenda.
The key areas within Public Health are Sexual Health, Oral Health, Health Protection, Health and Wellbeing, Obesity and Mental Health.
What We Do
Our main functions in Public Health are to promote better health and wellbeing for the people of Dumfries and Galloway.
Public Health works with multi agency partners including the local authority, education, social services, police, prisons, voluntary organisations, private and 3rd Sector organisations to develop projects and services to improve health.
The Health Protection function aims to protect the population of Dumfries and Galloway from exposure to hazards which damage their health and to limit any impact on health when such exposures cannot be avoided. Hazards can be biological (e.g. infections), chemical, physical or from radiation and result in exposures through food, water, air, farm animals, the environment and person to person.
Contact us
Director of Public Health
Tel: 01387 272724