NHS Dumfries & Galloway


All new staff members must complete an induction process before beginning their new role.  This consists of a Corporate Induction on Monday and then further role specific face-to-face mandatory training for the rest of the week.

Please Note: Induction arrangements are subject to change so that we can make sure you and others are able to stay safe during uncertain times. We will keep you up to date, and please check in with your line manager if you are unsure about any induction arrangements

Before your Induction

Induction is held every two weeks and your induction date is arranged by your line manager who will let you know via email or letter. If you have any access or support needs that we can assist with, please let your line manager know before your induction date so we can make sure this is in place.

Before Induction, you will receive an occupational health form. Please complete and return this form to the Occupational Health Team before your Induction date. This allows the team to make sure they can discuss with you any health related needs and work related vaccinations before you start at your work base. If you need to contact Occupational Health, please contact (01387) 244626.

What to Expect

Corporate Induction is currently held in Mountainhall Treatment Centre. This is the general induction that all staff are required to attend. This runs from 9am – 5pm and includes the following:

  • A welcome presentation to provide insight on the organisation, values and policies
  • A introduction to the mandatory training that all staff are required to complete
  • Setting you up on our learning systems
  • An introduction to some IT systems and the staff intranet
  • An introduction to key organisational policies, staff networks, support and self care
  • A timetable for the rest of the induction week (if required)
  • The time of your occupational health appointment (if required)
  • A photograph will be taken for your ID Badge

Where is Induction?

When you leave Induction you should have:

Next steps following Induction..

Mandatory Training

For staff starting clinical roles there are further mandatory training sessions that are undertaken including CPR, Moving and Handling, Managing Conflict, Clinical Skills etc. The level of training required and the specific courses required depend on  your role and your manager and the induction team will make sure that you know which courses you are attending and when.

Local Induction

Your line manager or a member of the team will meet with you to go through a local induction checklist and ensure you know about local fire safety arrangements, uniforms, and local equipment, as well as introducing you to the rest of the team.