NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Information and engagement

Requests for Information

If you wish to request information held by NHS Dumfries and Galloway you may do so by contacting dg.feedback2@nhs.scot.

Your request may be treated under  Freedom of Information (Scotland) legislation or Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations if appropriate.  Click Freedom of Information for more details.

Personal information cannot be requested under Freedom of Information, however can be requested under Data Protection. 

If you would like to access your health record or health records for a family member, you can do this by contacting – dg.dpa-office@nhs.scot or complete the Subject Access Request for Health Records  or Access to Health Records (deceased)  form 

Click Data Protection for more information

Community Engagement

In July 2015 Scottish Government issued the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. The Act is made up 12 parts which aims to improve community engagement with public sector organisations. 

As a public body, NHS Dumfries and Galloway are asked to adhere to Parts 3 and 5 of the Act, which relates to Participation Requests and Asset Transfer Requests.


Participation Requests are a formal process for communities to discuss potential improvements to Health Service outcomes with ourselves. Communities often have great solutions to local issues and it’s important for us to listen to you.

You can submit a Participation Request asking us to work with you on an improvement process if your group thinks they can help improve the service.

We always encourage members of the public to talk to us about anything you would like to see done differently as we might be able to use your ideas to resolve things quicker and more effectively.

The Participation Request process provides a formal way for us to:

  • Work with communities in improving services;
  • Encourage and promote conversations;
  • Tackle inequalities;
  • Support the participation of those whose voices are less hear; and
  • Support the participation of those who face additional barriers.

Get in touch – Firstly please contact us to talk through your ideas, we will explain more about the process and give you advice on submitting a request.

Email: laura.geddes2@nhs.scot 
Tel: 01387 272702


Health Board land and properties could be an ideal resource to help local communities realise their plans and aspirations. We have developed a Community Asset Transfer Process Document to assist with the transfer of assets to community organisations who want to take them over for the benefit of their community. In addition, a schedule of Board properties which provided details of their use and a location map for the properties is provided.

Get in touch – Firstly please contact us to talk through your idea, when we will explain more about the process and give you advice on submitting a formal request.

All queries, requests for information or to make an application should be directed to:-

dg.estates@nhs.scot for the attention of the Head of Estates and Property

Mailing address: Head of Estates and Property, Estates and Property Dept, LG North, Mountainhall Treatment Centre, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4AP

Contact Tel No: 01387 244372

For NHS Dumfries & Galloway properties currently for sale, please contact Ryden Commercial Property Agents & Chartered Surveyors at https://www.ryden.co.uk or Ryden Glasgow office on 0141 204 3838


Contracts Register

www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk -Dumfries and Galloway Health Board.

Conditions of Contract for the Purchase of Goods and Provision of Associated Services

Conditions of Contract for the Purchase of Services

Participation & Engagement Network

What is the Participation and Engagement Network?

The network is a way for members of the public, patients, carers and community groups to get involved in improving local services.

How does it work?

When you sign up to the network, your details are added to a database. If you are on the database, we know to get in touch with you when we are looking for the public’s input on things we are doing or planning to do.

We might ask you to take part in a survey, a discussion or an event. You don’t need to take part every time, just whenever suits you.

Who can join?

Anyone aged 16 or over who has an interest in the services delivered within Dumfries and Galloway. We want the network to reflect the diversity of our community and we welcome people from all backgrounds.

Who is involved?

The network is managed by NHS Dumfries and Galloway on behalf of the Community Planning Partnership which includes:

– NHS Dumfries and Galloway
– Dumfries and Galloway Council
– Police Scotland
– Scottish Fire and Rescue
– Scottish Ambulance Service
– Third Sector (Dumfries and Galloway)
– Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care Partnership

When one of the partners wants the network’s input in to something they are doing, they will ask NHS Dumfries and Galloway to let you know. You can choose the best way for us to contact you.

You can find out more about the partnership at: www.dumgal.gov.uk/communityplanning 

How do I join the network?

You can contact us by telephone or mail to request a registration form or you can return the below by post and we will contact you.

Telephone – 01387 246 246 (ask for the Communications Team)
Email – dg.participationengagementnetwork@nhs.scot