NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Infection Prevention and Control

NHS Dumfries and Galloway have an Infection Prevention and Control Team (ICT) which consists of Consultant Microbiologists, Infection Control Nurses and administration staff.  They monitor infections in all hospitals throughout the region and provide guidance, policies, training and support to all NHS staff to reduce the incidence of infection and to effectively prevent and control the spread of infection.

The policies set out the actions which need to be carried out by NHS staff to reduce the risk of spread of Health Associated Infection to as low as possible.

For further information: – Please ask the nurse in charge, or contact the Infection Control Team.

Listed below are information leaflets which have been developed for patients, carers, relatives and visitors.

MRSA Screening

Healthcare Associated Infections (Easy read)

Healthcare Infections in neonatal units

Clostridium difficile infection (hospital patients and visitors)

Clostridium difficile infection – (Care Homes)

CPE Screening

Washing clothes at Home

Group A Streptococcal infection

Multi Drug Resistant Gram Negative Organisms (MDRO)


Norovirus Leaflet

Vancomycin resistant enterococci