Looking after someone?
A Carer is someone who provides unpaid support to a family member or friend who is affected by long-term illness, disability, age, mental health problems or addiction. The person you care for may be your partner, parent, child, a relative, neighbour or a friend. All Carers have a right to be able to access support, advice and services when they need it.
Looking After Someone? Information, Advice & Support Guide for Carers (Scan or click on the QR code to access the links)
Referral to Carers Support Services
Dumfries and Galloway Carers Centre can provide you with a range of information, advice and support. Completing a Carer Referral Form enables you to access support- you can complete the form yourself or with help.
Carer Referral Form
Carers Referral Form Guidance Notes
An Adult Carer Support Plan gives you the opportunity to express your feelings and needs as a Carer. The aim is to find out what impact your caring responsibilities have on your life and to help you identify ways to achieve your goals and aspirations. In the past, this document has been referred to as a Carers Assessment.
Young Patient Family Fund
The fund allows parents, primary carers and/or siblings (under 18) of a child inpatient to claim for the cost of travel, subsistence and, where appropriate, accommodation in respect of hospital visits. The fund will be open to eligible visitors of newborns who spend at least one night in hospital or are expected to spend a night in hospital but are discharged beforehand. This applies to any newborns who spend at least one night in a Postnatal Ward or the Neonatal Unit/SCBU.
For further information, please speak to the nurse or midwife in charge or visit
Young Carers
The Project aims to provide Young Carers with a break from their caring role through activities and groups held on a regular basis throughout the region. Young Carers can access the service between the ages of 7-18 and groups are divided into primary and secondary ages.
One-to-one support is also available and can help to deal with problems that Young Carers can face such as feelings of isolation, frustration or problems at school.
Young Carers Statement
Information, Advice and Support Guides for Young Carers
The Young Carers Statement will enable you as a Young Carer to express your feelings and needs and find out what impact your caring responsibilities have on your life and aims to support you in your caring role. You can get help to complete this at the Young Carers Project. For more information, call the Carers Centre on 01387 248600.
Young Carers project
Carers Breaks
You may need a break to give you time away from your caring duties. The Short Breaks Bureau and ‘Time to Live’ funding can help.
Respite Breaks for Carers
Self-directed support
Self-directed support can give you or the person you care for more flexibility around paying for their services and care. Find out more about self-directed support
Self Directed Support
The Financial Inclusion and Assessment Team (FIAT) can review any benefits and check that you have all the financial support available.
The Citizens Advice Service can help you to identify and claim welfare benefits throughout Dumfries and Galloway.
Carers Emergency Card
This free card identifies you as a Carer in the event of an emergency. It will give you peace of mind and should you have an accident or suddenly fall ill, anyone finding the card , for example, the Police, Ambulance or Fire Service will know you are a Carer and be able to contact the named responders on the card. Contact Dumfries & Galloway Carers Centre on 01387 248600 for more information.
Advocacy Service
If you find it difficult to talk about your caring situation and to ask for support you might like help from the Dumfries and Galloway Advocacy Service
Advocacy is about supporting people to express their views and feelings about certain situations they find themselves in. It is also about ensuring that people are aware of, and know how to uphold, their rights. Advocacy can support Carers who are not being listened to, heard or understood by others and to enable them to be responded to appropriately by professionals and services.
Contact Dumfries & Galloway Advocacy Service 01387 247 237 for further information
Being Heard A Self Advocacy guide for carers
Independent Advocacy Supporting Your Right to be Heard
Support for Carers within the Hospital
If the person you care for is in hospital, pop along to the Carers Hub in Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, on the ground floor next to the Assessment Unit, for information, advice and support to help you continue in your caring role.
To find out more, call 01387 241 691
Carer Positive Employers
NHS Dumfries and Galloway are a Carer Positive Employer and recognise the importance of retaining experienced members of staff who find themselves in a caring role.
Seeking support in the workplace
Your employer may also have a policy in place to support Carers. Employers value skilled, experienced and committed members of staff and are keen to keep them. Your employer may be able to help in ways you have not considered.
Other Resources
‘A Carers Guide to safer moving and handling of people’: If you are a Carer looking after a relative or friend with restricted mobility, then this guide is for you. It aims to help reduce unnecessary back problems and other injuries that will affect your health and wellbeing. We can provide a free copy of a ‘Carers Guide to Safer Moving and Handling of People’:
Call 01387 241 691
Carers strategy
The Carers Stategy is currently being updated. Click here for more information.