Training and Events
Patient Safety, Risk Management and Complaints
Risk Assessments
For Managers, Supervisors/Team Leaders or anyone who writes risk assessments
9.30am – 12 noon
Book via LearnPro, course code DG5109, workshops held in Meeting Room 6 at Mountainhall TC (behind Cafe). This workshop will grow your knowledge on hazard identification and suitable and sufficient control measures to improve your risk assessment outputs.
Care Opinion training webinars
All staff using Care Opinion
For more details and to register, visit
Workforce and Occupational Health
Leadership 3 Programme – open now for registrations until the 18th September
the West of Scotland Regional Leadership Programme, Leadership 3, is now open for registration. We have six spaces available to Dumfries and Galloway staff.
Who is it for:
- Typically this programme will benefit Band 8’s, however experienced Band 7’s will also be considered.
- They need to be experienced so that they can bring a wicked problem with them to share with their Action Learning Set cohort, and, have the experience to support other candidates with their ALS problem.
- This differs from Adaptive Leadership (Leading for the Future), which is focussed on exploring you, your thinkings and challenging assumptions. Leadership 3 introduces different models and theories to help an individual to expand their leadership practice.
Who is delivering this:
- There is a faculty of lead facilitators from across five Boards; DG, Golden Jubilee, State Hospital, Forth Valley, Ayrshire & Arran.
- There is also a selection of external speakers who have been secured
- Insights psychometrics will also be part of this programme.
- 8 days over 7 months, starting 9 October
- All virtual, however a decision has yet to be made for day 8 which is the celebration date
Next steps/Actions:
- Please see the brochure which has all the info required on the programme
- There is a form to be completed, which must be supported by the person’s manager, giving the commitment to the 8 days. Signatures can be electronic, no need for printing.
- Forms to be returned by 18th Sept / Space’s will be confirmed by 25 Sept at latest – Day 1 starts 9 October
Brilliant Leadership event – fully funded, in person masterclass – in Dundee
NES have shared an event that is open to all, it’s called’ Brilliant Leadership Masterclass’.
- It is a half day, in-person Masterclass in Dundee on 18th September
- Delivered in partnership with the Art of Brilliance and NHS Tayside and NES
- The event is free to attend, open to all those in work in social work, social care and health and leaders at all levels from all roles.
Course info and how to register:
Brilliant Leadership: Masterclass in partnership with the Art of Brilliance. – Leading to Change
When was the last time you felt brilliant? Come and meet others who would like to feel like they could be brilliant leaders in a relaxed and welcoming session with Peter from Art of Brilliance.
See the link for more info and to register: Brilliant Leadership: Masterclass in partnership with the Art of Brilliance. – Leading to Change
The course itself is free, however there would be travel costs for those travelling from Dumfries and Galloway, a local decision would be required on whether to pay travel expenses.
Please share with your line management population for local agreement to register interest.
Induction Days for New staff
Book via ODL team page on Beacon or email
- 16.09.2024
- 30.09.2024
- 15.10.2024
- 28.10.2024
- 11.11.2024
- 25.11.2024
- 09.12.2024
- 16.12.2024
Calling all Managers
Learning and Development are very excited to share with you their new Management Development offering for the Board. To find out more watch the video and keep reading.
Video Developing our managers (Video).mp4
They have created five new events for Managers which are shorter sessions to make them more suitable to work into schedules and are available to all Managers across the Organisation. These are available to book through LearnPro and are based on engagement with HR and Managers as to what their needs are.
They’ve also created a new Management Hub in Teams so that Managers can keep apprised of learning opportunities but these will also host sessions that managers can access and join in on that will support them in their role. Join us now to learn more about everything that is on offer and keep posted about what’s coming
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness Sessions
Bystander Awareness, 26th September, 10.00-11.30 on Teams
We know that bullying, discrimination and disrespect in the workplace can have a significant negative impact on those who experience it, leading to stress, mental health challenges and long term psychological damage. When we witness behaviour that isn’t compassionate and inclusive, we might feel that we want to help, but it can be difficult to know what to do, particularly if these behaviours have become an accepted part of working life.
This session will increase your understanding of:
- Barriers that we might experience to taking action
- The impact that a bystandercan have by taking different kinds of actions
- Simple tools that you can use to take action if you witness bullying, discrimination or disrespect in the workplace
Some feedback from previous participants:
- ‘Really enjoyable and gained a lot from it – now I have a better idea of what can be done to stop negative behaviour’
- ‘a really useful session – it would be so beneficial to all staff to undertake’
- ‘excellent, well structured and succinct’
- ‘I feel better equipped to take effective action and feel I have a ‘toolkit’ of options which I wasn’t aware of before’
To book –
Trauma aware workplace: Lunch and Learn programme
This programme is a joint initiative between Equality and Diversity, Spiritual Care and Psychology. It responds to a need for a more trauma aware workplace identified through the Voices for Change project, which gathered information about the experiences of women and disabled people in working in Health and Social Care in Dumfries and Galloway. The programme offers 3 separate learning opportunities; participants are welcome to register for individual sessions, or for all of them.
Lunch and Learn: Introduction to Psychological Trauma
24th September, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Join Rab MacColm, Lead Psychological Therapist for Psychology Trauma Services, NHS Dumfries and Galloway to increase your understanding of:
- The nature of trauma – what is it?
- The widespread impact of trauma
- How trauma affects people and their experiences and behaviour
- Support mechanisms
- What we can do – being trauma aware in the workplace
To register contact Tom:
Lunch and Learn: Self care in working with trauma
30th October, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Join Nathan Mesnikoff, NHS Dumfries and Galloway Spiritual Care Lead to increase your understanding of:
- How stress is related to our fight or flight reactions
- How working with the traumatized can traumatize us (and how to lower that risk)
- The important difference between empathy and compassion
- Ways to support yourself and colleagues working in high-intensity environments including brief introductions to mindfulness, gratitude practices, and self-compassion.
To register contact Tom:
Lunch and Learn: Creating Trauma resilient teams
20th November, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Join James Lemon, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Staff Psychological Services, NHS Dumfries and Galloway to increase your understanding of:
- How trauma can impact on team function
- The value of building empathy and connection in teams
- Building personal and team resilience
To register contact Tom:
Other Training Opportunities and Awareness Sessions
Suicide Prevention Modules
NES have recently launched four new Modules on Turas Learn on Suicide prevention. Click on the link below to access:
The Technology Enabled Care (TEC) module
NHS Education for Scotland has been working in partnership with the SQA and SQA Academy to develop a Technology Enabled Care (TEC) online module. The module is designed to provide learners with an introduction to using technology enabled care and digital health and care in a modern health, housing, and social care sector.
The module does not focus on technology, it’s aim is to provide the opportunity for learners to build a foundation level of knowledge in this ever-developing area of health and care practice.
Adapted from the Professional Development Award in Technology Enabled Care at SCQF Level 7 course, the byte size learning is a brief overview or ‘taster’ of the topics covered in the PDA in TEC. Topics include:
- Working with Technology Enabled Care
- Using Digital to Support People in Health, Housing and Care
- Call Handling
- Response
- Installation, Maintenance and Repair
You can access the module here.
Are you a Healthcare Support Worker?
To join scan the QR code in the image
For more information
Tier 1 awareness training “An Introduction to Psychological Trauma.”
Join Rab McColm, Lead Psychological Therapist for Psychology Trauma Services, NHS Dumfries and Galloway for a Tier 1 awareness training “An Introduction to Psychological Trauma.”
- What is Psychological Trauma?
- Prevalence of psychological trauma across the population.
- The wide-ranging ways trauma can affect people.
- Moral Injury and the overlap with psychological trauma.
- What we can do? – Being trauma aware in the workplace.
Open to everyone: MTC Lecture Theatre, 13:30-15:30.
Single day training: 25th September, 23rd October 2024, 27th November 2024 or 18th December 2024.
Contact Tom to register or for further information:
An environmental sustainability eLearning course now available on TURAS.
The course is for all NHSScotland staff and can be found on TURAS Learn*. It provides an introduction to sustainability concepts, topics and issues, and will develop understanding of:
- the effect the environment has on human health
- the environmental impacts of delivering healthcare services
- action that NHSScotland is taking to become more sustainable
- action we can take as individuals to contribute and make a difference
The articles are live on the Sustainability Action website
- Supporting underperforming students – Based on recently published NES resources, a session to assist NMAHP practice educators when they find themselves in the position of supporting a student who may be underperforming during placement in the practice setting.
- How to complete Practice Assessment Documentation (PAD)/ What can students do – Guidance on how to complete student documentation and updates on what students are allowed to do.
- Coaching – information on coaching as a style of supervision for student practice placements.
- Reasonable adjustments – what are they and how you can support in practice.
- QMPLE and student feedback – A session for staff with QMPLE access.
DGRI Seminar Room 1 | ||
Supporting underperforming students | Wednesday 18th September 2-3pm | MS Teams |
Reasonable adjustments | Friday 4th October 2-3pm | MS Teams |
Supporting underperforming students | Tuesday 22nd October 2-3pm | MHTC Meeting Room 3 |
Supporting underperforming students | Friday 8th November 2-3pm | Stranraer GCH OPD Room 1 |
How to complete Practice Assessment Documentation’ / What can students do | Monday 25th November 2-3pm | MS Teams |
Supporting underperforming students | Thursday 12th December 2-3pm | Midpark Meeting Room |
Clinical Education training calendar test of change
The Clinical Education training sessions are now listed on LearnPro for the rest of this year. A training calendar will not be sent to the wards on a monthly basis, with the exception of Galloway Community Hospital who will still receive a calendar for the next few months.
Venepuncture and cannulation, IV medicine administration, CVADs and Vital signs will be running every 4 weeks
Male catheterisation, ECG and IV opioids will run every 6 weeks
Ear irrigation, PEG and NG management will run every 8 weeks.
The codes for all sessions are listed on the Clinical Education teams page on BEACON
Any different sessions that are running will be advertised via email and BEACON.
Medical Devices Level 1: General Awareness All staff Online Module
Medical Devices Level 1: General Awareness | Turas | Learn (
Medical device safety is extremely important and in order to increase awareness of medical device safety the attached is a monthly Flash Report from IRIC (Incident Reporting and Investigation Centre).
The Corporate Risk Manager audits reported adverse events to determine if a report to IRIC is required; however, anyone can submit a report to IRIC and guidance is included in the Flash Report.
The Corporate Risk Manager recommends that any potential or actual medical device adverse events are reported via Datix
Non-clinical CPR
Search ‘Non-clinical CPR (Practical)’ or the course code 5138 on Learnpro to find times and places and to book
Paediatric Basic Life Support
This training is now mandatory for staff working with children. Book via Learnpro course code 5128. For more information contact
Vital Signs Training
Vital Signs training has been taken over by Resuscitation Training Team .
The course dates have now been released on Learnpro (course code 5119)
Please contact if you have any questions
Basic Life Support New training available to all staff
Did you know that if you have a cardiac arrest outside of hospital you have a 1 in 10 chance of surviving? In order to address this inequality Scottish Government has asked for all NHS Scotland Boards to provide training to staff to be able to respond and improve this from happening.
Learning and Development have worked with the Resus team to create a new elearning module which has been added to LearnPro. To access this module, log in to LearnPro and then click on show all elearning then type in basic life support.
Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection
All Public Protection Partnership Learning and Development can be found by clicking on the link below:
Introduction to Infant Mental Health – NHS Service Wee Mind Matters
5th September 2024 10.30am to 1.30pm
Room: The Chambers, Annan Town Hall, High Street, Annan, DG12 6AQ
This session will cover:
- Introduction to Wee Minds Matter
- What is Infant Mental Health
- What Impacts Infant Mental Health
- Attachment
- Attunement/ Co-Regulation
12 noon
Break: Tea and coffee available
- Case Study
- The Infant’s Voice
- Working with Infant Mental Health
- Final reflections
- Maximum capacity 35 participants
To book your spot Training Registration Form
2 Day ASP Training
12th, 13th September 2024 9.30am to 4pm
Location: Room G31, The Bridge, Glasgow Rd, Dumfries DG2 9AW
This course consists of two full days of learning which will provide delegates with a more in depth understanding of Adult Support and Protection legislation and best practice, including you and your agency’s role. It should complement single agency ASP learning and the training is suitable for those who have already completed their single agency eLearning in ASP.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn alongside multi-agency colleagues and network.
Learning Outcomes include:
- The principles to be followed in Adult Protection and your role
- The definition of an ‘adult at risk’ and ‘harm’
- Being able to recognise when someone is at risk of harm and how to report it
- Information sharing, consent and capacity
- Linkages to other areas of Public Protection
- The role of Advocacy in ASP
- Importance of Carers and support networks
- Dilemmas and Common Pitfalls in ASP and how to avoid these
- Trauma Informed Practice.
- Who is the Council Officer and what are their statutory duties and powers (Duty to Inquire and use of investigatory powers, orders)
- The role of Multi-Agency SafeguardingHub (MASH) and the benefit of Initial Referral Discussions (IRDs)
- Understanding and supporting ASP Case Conferences and Core groups
- Protection planning: what is it and what’s my role
- Multi-agency supervision/reflective practice
- Self-care/well-being
Who Should attend?
This training is suitable to those in the general and specific workforce categories who have direct contact with adults who may be at risk of harm. For example, housing providers and homeless staff; social work staff; care providers, OT’s, and other allied professionals; third sector colleagues; community nurses and GP’s. It is also suitable for emergency service staff such as police, SAS and SFRS.
If in doubt, please speak to your line manager or contact the public protection team at
To book your spot Training Registration Form
This training is capped at 35 participants.
One Day Transforming Connections Trauma Training
4th November 2024 9.30am to 4.30pm (Break approximately 11am)
Location: Room G31, The Bridge, Glasgow Rd, Dumfries DG2 9AW
This free event is aimed at all people working in Scotland who are likely to come into contact with people who may have been affected by trauma.
The training aims to help attendees to understand:
- Definition and prevalence of trauma
- Ways that trauma can affect people, including impact on brain, body and behaviour
- What trauma informed care is and how to trauma inform professional relationships
- How to support people following traumatic events and help recovery
- The importance of caring for our own well being
To book your spot Training Registration Form
Please note: There is a number cap of 30.
Injuries to Non-Mobile Children
4th October 2024 9.30am to 1.30pm (Break approximately 11am)
Location: Chambers, Ashwood House, Sun Street, Stranraer, DG9 7JJ
This session will cover:
- Definition of non-mobile children
- Recognising the significance of injuries to non-mobile children & infants
- Understand the appropriate processes to be followed for injuries to non-mobile children & infants
- To gain an understanding of the types of injuries which can occur
- Professional curiosity
Maximum capacity 25 participants
To book your spot email: Training Registration Form
The team will confirm in an email whether you are successful or not gaining a spot onto this training. If you have been unsuccessful this time it is due to the training number cap. If you are unsuccessful there will be another opportunity to attend this training in the future.
Important to Note: If you are successful in gaining a spot it is a requirement prior to attending the training to show evidence you have completed TURAS ‘Developing your trauma skilled practice 1:understanding the impact of trauma and responding in a trauma informed way’ e-learning module.
Dumfries and Galloway Council employees: The module is available on MyLearning. Log into My learning and Type ‘Trauma Skilled’ in the search bar.
NHS and Third sector employees: The module is available via the web address You would log on/ register to access the course.
On completion a CPD certificate is generated, and you would email your certificate to at least 4 weeks in advance.
Email to request an attachment for step-by-step instructions on how to access the developing your trauma skilled practice 1 e-learning module.
Once your position is confirmed on our training, it is a mandatory requirement to let us know if you can no longer attend our multi-agency training and the reason why. This is due to the fact our multi-agency training attracts significant preparation time, and we would like to maximise attendance.
If you can no longer attend our training, you may wish to consider nominating a staff member to attend on your behalf from your department. If you do this let us know by emailing