Patient Safety, Risk Management and Complaints
Quality Improvement Education Programme – Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills (SIFS)
Are you interested in building quality improvement capability within your workplace?
Are you, or people you work, with motivated to change things but are not sure about how to go about it?
It is important that teams have the skills to work together to analyse and improve how they deliver services
The next cohort of Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills (SIFS) will be delivered in January 2025. The programme is aimed at individuals and teams working in health, integrated health and social care settings who are committed to working with their team to carry out quality improvements.
If you would like to receive an application pack or for more information please email or scan the QR code to note your interest.
Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship recruitment
Recruitment details for the 17th Cohort of the Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship. Click on this link for further details Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship.
The programme is designed to train future leaders to deliver complex change using methods including quality improvement, human factors, leadership skills, service design, and systems thinking. Fellows complete a work-based improvement project alongside residential workshops and project surgeries for peer support.
Applications will be accepted from Friday 31st January 2025, and close at 10am on Friday 4th April 2025. Interviews will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams in the week commencing 23rd June 2025.
An applicant pack containing person specification, programme outline, application form and advertisement can now be downloaded from the QI Zone here.
Please do share this with your colleagues.
The Fellowship is open to healthcare staff who currently undertake clinical practice and have a direct influence on improving the delivery of safe patient care, as well as staff in clinical professions who do not currently deliver hands-on care but do have a role in improving patient care or safety.
If you have any questions about applications to the Fellowship please contact
Care Opinion training webinars
All staff using Care Opinion
For more details and to register, visit
Workforce and Occupational Health
Community Staff-High Risk Manual Handling Training
All community staff are now able to book onto High Risk Manual Handling update Training via Learnpro using course code 1987.
Jobtrain, Recruitment and Selection Training
2025 training dates are available to book on Learnpro for managers and their teams involved with staff recruitment.
Please ensure you select the session most relevant to you – please read the course descriptions as some are duplicated. If you are new to recruitment, the 3 hour session is recommended – Learnpro ref 5134. If you are only assisting with shortlisting and interview then Learnpro Ref 5135 is recommended.
Please direct any queries to
5138 CPR Courses for non-clinical staff now available to book online
MENTAL HEALTH TRAINING for Staff and Managers – email
Want to get some help with action planning? Reserve your spot on one of our sessions in the Management Hub in teams
Risk Assessment training
Email : or call 01387 244626 and ask for Elaine Simpson/Scott McGill or book via LearnPro. Course code: D&G 5109.
Induction Days for New staff
Book via ODL team page on Beacon or email
- 20.01.2025
- 03.02.2025
- 17.02.2025
- 03.03.2025
- 17.03.2025
- 31.03.2025
- 14.04.2025
- 28.04.2025
- 12.05.2025
- 26.05.2025
Calling all Managers
Learning and Development are very excited to share with you their new Management Development offering for the Board. To find out more watch the video and keep reading.
Video Developing our managers (Video).mp4
They have created five new events for Managers which are shorter sessions to make them more suitable to work into schedules and are available to all Managers across the Organisation. These are available to book through LearnPro and are based on engagement with HR and Managers as to what their needs are.
They’ve also created a new Management Hub in Teams so that Managers can keep apprised of learning opportunities but these will also host sessions that managers can access and join in on that will support them in their role. Join us now to learn more about everything that is on offer and keep posted about what’s coming
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness Sessions
Trauma aware workplace: Lunch and Learn programme
This programme is a joint initiative between Equality and Diversity, Spiritual Care and Psychology. It responds to a need for a more trauma aware workplace identified through the Voices for Change project, which gathered information about the experiences of women and disabled people in working in Health and Social Care in Dumfries and Galloway. The programme offers 3 separate learning opportunities and it’s being run 3 times during 2025. Participants are welcome to register for individual sessions, or for the full series of 3 sessions.
Lunch and Learn: Introduction to Psychological Trauma
Either 28th January 2025, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Or 29th April 2025, 12.30-14.00 at Mountainhall Treatment Centre Lecture Theatre
Or 18th September 2025, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Join Rab MacColm, Lead Psychological Therapist for Psychology Trauma Services, NHS Dumfries and Galloway to increase your understanding of:
- The nature of trauma – what is it?
- The widespread impact of trauma
- How trauma affects people and their experiences and behaviour
- Support mechanisms
- What we can do – being trauma aware in the workplace
To register contact Tom:
Lunch and Learn: Self care in working with trauma
Either 27th February 2025, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Or 22nd May 2025, 12.30-14.00 at Mountainhall Treatment Centre Lecture Theatre
Or 29th October 2025, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Join Nathan Mesnikoff, NHS Dumfries and Galloway Spiritual Care Lead to increase your understanding of:
- How stress is related to our fight or flight reactions
- How working with the traumatized can traumatize us (and how to lower that risk)
- The important difference between empathy and compassion
- Ways to support yourself and colleagues working in high-intensity environments including brief introductions to mindfulness, gratitude practices, and self-compassion.
To register contact Tom:
Lunch and Learn: Resilence is between us, not just within us: Creating trauma resilient teams
Either 18th March 2025, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Or 18th June 2025, 12.30-14.00 at Lecture Theatre, Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary
Or 18th November 2025, 12.30-14.00 on Teams
Join James Lemon, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Staff Psychological Services, NHS Dumfries and Galloway to increase your understanding of:
- How trauma can impact on team function
- The value of building empathy and connection in teams
- Building personal and team resilience
To register contact Tom:
Understanding Bias and Taking Action, 27th January, 10.30 – 12.30 on Teams
This workshop is designed to support participants to increase skills and competence as an inclusive leader. During the workshop, participants will:
- Explore the concept of ‘in groups’ and ‘out groups’ and how powerful they are in influencing behaviour
- Reflect on conscious and unconscious bias and consider how bias is established, reinforced and manifest through discrimination and microaggressions
- Consider how we challenge the roles we play in reinforcing and perpetuating bias
- Recognise opportunities to take action in day to day life through allyship
Some feedback from previous participants:
- ‘Thank you, really insightful and interesting session’
- ‘Really enjoyed this session, very thought provoking about everyday behaviours’
- ‘Very useful having a protected space to think about these important issues.’
- ‘Very interesting session, I am now more aware and more confident to challenge bias’
Bystander Awareness, 17th February, 10.30-12.00 on Teams
We know that bullying, discrimination and disrespect in the workplace can have a significant negative impact on those who experience it, leading to stress, mental health challenges and long term psychological damage. When we witness behaviour that isn’t compassionate and inclusive, we might feel that we want to help, but it can be difficult to know what to do, particularly if these behaviours have become an accepted part of working life.
This session will increase your understanding of:
- Barriers that we might experience to taking action
- The impact that a bystandercan have by taking different kinds of actions
- Simple tools that you can use to take action if you witness bullying, discrimination or disrespect in the workplace
Some feedback from previous participants:
- ‘Really enjoyable and gained a lot from it – now I have a better idea of what can be done to stop negative behaviour’
- ‘a really useful session – it would be so beneficial to all staff to undertake’
- ‘excellent, well structured and succinct’
- ‘I feel better equipped to take effective action and feel I have a ‘toolkit’ of options which I wasn’t aware of before’
To book –
Other Training Opportunities and Awareness Sessions
Chronic Pain Turas Learn Training – For all staff
A new Chronic Pain Turas learning toolkit and online knowledge hub are now available to all NHS Scotland Health and Care staff to deepen their understanding of a condition that affects 38% of adults in Scotland. The Scottish Health Survey 2022)
Everyone working in a public-facing role – including clinical, administrative, domestic and estates colleagues – is asked to complete the training. The HUB includes more in depth resources and supports two sets of training modules – Informed and Skilled.
Being informed about chronic pain means health and care staff will be in a stronger position to support someone with chronic pain to access the appropriate services and resources.
This NHS Education for Scotland (NES) resource has been developed in collaboration with the National Pain Education Group to promote understanding and learning on Chronic Pain.
To access the Turas resource visit: Chronic Pain Knowledge Hub | Turas | Learn
For further resources on Chronic Pain visit:
Shared Decision Making module
The Realistic Medicine Team and NES have launched their new Shared Decision Making module which is now published on Turas.
Realistic Medicine and Value Based Health and Care Learning Resources
This eLearning resource is for everyone working in health and care in Scotland exploring why this approach is important, breaking down barriers and supporting people to make informed decisions.
For any individuals who don’t have access to Turas, please see the links below to the videos included in the module:-
Suicide Prevention Modules
NES have recently launched four new Modules on Turas Learn on Suicide prevention. Click on the link below to access:
Turas Module: Dealing with bereavement in the workplace
Those of us working in health and social care may come across situations where we experience the death of a colleague. Knowing what to say and do in these situations to provide support to ourselves and others can be challenging and naturally people may feel apprehensive.
The NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Bereavement Education Programme has recently launched a suite of 5 e-Learning modules that cover certain aspects of responding to a colleague’s death.
The modules draw both on current guidance to enable you to offer a person-centred approach which is educationally evidence informed, as well as incorporating real-life case studies which can be used for reflection and discussion.
Please note – You will need to login with your Turas account to view the experiencing the death of a colleague modules below:
- Experiencing the Death of a Colleague: Module 1 – An introduction to grief & bereavement
- Experiencing the death of a colleague: Module 2 – Sharing the news
- Experiencing the death of a colleague: Module 3 – Consideration for employers and managers
- Experiencing the death of a colleague: Module 4 – Support & wellbeing
- Experiencing the death of a colleague: Module 5 – Memorialising & remembering
You may wish to work through all five modules in order, or you may choose to only work through one or some of the modules, depending upon your learning needs and goals. However, for a full understanding of the topic it is recommended that you undertake all five modules.
We would be grateful if you could share this with relevant networks / individuals.
For any questions, please contact
An environmental sustainability eLearning course now available on TURAS.
The course is for all NHSScotland staff and can be found on TURAS Learn*. It provides an introduction to sustainability concepts, topics and issues, and will develop understanding of:
- the effect the environment has on human health
- the environmental impacts of delivering healthcare services
- action that NHSScotland is taking to become more sustainable
- action we can take as individuals to contribute and make a difference
The articles are live on the Sustainability Action website
Clinical Education training calendar test of change
The Clinical Education training sessions are now listed on LearnPro for the rest of this year. A training calendar will not be sent to the wards on a monthly basis, with the exception of Galloway Community Hospital who will still receive a calendar for the next few months.
Venepuncture and cannulation, IV medicine administration, CVADs and Vital signs will be running every 4 weeks
Male catheterisation, ECG and IV opioids will run every 6 weeks
Ear irrigation, PEG and NG management will run every 8 weeks.
The codes for all sessions are listed on the Clinical Education teams page on BEACON
Any different sessions that are running will be advertised via email and BEACON.
Medical Devices Level 1: General Awareness All staff Online Module
Medical Devices Level 1: General Awareness | Turas | Learn (
Medical device safety is extremely important and in order to increase awareness of medical device safety the attached is a monthly Flash Report from IRIC (Incident Reporting and Investigation Centre).
The Corporate Risk Manager audits reported adverse events to determine if a report to IRIC is required; however, anyone can submit a report to IRIC and guidance is included in the Flash Report.
The Corporate Risk Manager recommends that any potential or actual medical device adverse events are reported via Datix
Paediatric Basic Life Support
This training is now mandatory for staff working with children. Book via Learnpro course code 5128. For more information contact
Vital Signs Training
Vital Signs training has been taken over by Resuscitation Training Team .
The course dates have now been released on Learnpro (course code 5119)
Please contact if you have any questions
Basic Life Support New training available to all staff
Did you know that if you have a cardiac arrest outside of hospital you have a 1 in 10 chance of surviving? In order to address this inequality Scottish Government has asked for all NHS Scotland Boards to provide training to staff to be able to respond and improve this from happening.
Learning and Development have worked with the Resus team to create a new elearning module which has been added to LearnPro. To access this module, log in to LearnPro and then click on show all elearning then type in basic life support.
Dumfries and Galloway Public Protection
All Public Protection Partnership Learning and Development can be found by clicking on the link below:
Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) Training
• Mental Health & Substance Use (2nd date)
• Cocaine and Psychostimulants
• Understanding Stigma