Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the illness caused by a strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan city, China. It can cause a new continuous cough, fever or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia).
Generally, coronavirus can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, older people and those with long term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease.
This is a rapidly changing situation which is being monitored carefully.
To help protect yourself and others:
- get the vaccine or the vaccine booster
- take a lateral flow test before visiting a hospital or care home – get lateral flow tests
- stay at home if you do not feel well
- wear a face covering when visiting our premises
- wash your hands regularly and cover your nose and mouth if coughing or sneezing
- open windows when meeting indoors
- work from home if you can
Advice on coronavirus testing and isolation is changing
From 1 May, most people in Scotland with coronavirus symptoms will no longer be advised to take a PCR test, and instead our advice will be that if you have respiratory symptoms that could be Covid, or another illness – and you have a fever or are unwell – you should stay at home in order to aid your recovery, and to reduce the risk of passing your illness onto others.
Test kits are no longer be available via the NHS, but remain available to certain groups in order to protect high risk settings, support clinical care and for surveillance purposes.
Testing remains available to groups including health and social care workers, care home and hospital visitors, patients groups eligible for treatment, hospital patients, unpaid carers and people in prison. If you’re visiting a hospital or care home, please take an LFD test first to help protect others.You can get your free LFD test ahead of your visit by ordering online or calling 119. Find out more at NHS Inform: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Get a test if you do not have symptoms | NHS inform
It is recommended that you inform your workplace and people you have recently been in contact with that you are feeling unwell for their awareness.
Young people can go back to school, college or early learning/childcare settings, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
Further information on the stay at home guidance and measures you can take to limit the spread of Covid-19 can be found at Coronavirus in Scotland – and from Sunday 1 May on NHS Inform
What to do if you have symptoms of Covid-19
If you have respiratory symptoms that could be Covid, or another illness – and you have a fever or are unwell – you should stay at home in order to aid your recovery, and to reduce the risk of passing your illness onto others.
It is recommended that you inform your workplace and people you have recently been in contact with that you are feeling unwell for their awareness.
Young people can go back to school, college or early learning/childcare settings, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
Further information on the stay at home guidance and measures you can take to limit the spread of Covid-19 can be found at Coronavirus in Scotland – and from Sunday 1 May on NHS Inform
The most common symptoms of Covid-19
The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are new:
- continuous cough
- Fever / high temperature (37.8°C or greater)
- loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia)
A new continuous cough is where you:
- have a new cough that’s lasted for an hour
- have had 3 or more episodes of coughing in 24 hours
- are coughing more than usual
If your symptoms worsen during home isolation you should phone NHS 24 on 111. You should not call your GP practice regarding Coronavirus symptoms.
If the NHS 24 healthcare professional you speak to via 111 deems that you require further clinical assessment following their triage over the phone, you will be directed to the appropriate care locally.
If you need a sick note due to coronavirus, please don’t contact your GP or NHS 24. You can download a sick/isolation note directly from the NHS Inform website.
Full guidance and information is available on NHS Inform’s coronavirus page –
Changes have been agreed to hospital in-patient visiting within NHS Dumfries and Galloway.
Visitors will continue to be expected to wear face masks where they are able to do so, and to test negative for COVID-19 before every visit to a patient.
They will also still be expected to follow directions around hand hygiene.
However, all other general restrictions that were put in place due to the COVID-19 virus have now been lifted – reflecting a changed situation thanks to the effectiveness of vaccine roll-out.
Unless they continue to be required for a specific in-patient area or individual patient, restrictions on the numbers of people allowed to visit and requirements to make appointments before visiting no longer apply.
These changes are now in effect.
COVID-19 Daily Dashboard – Updated 2pm every day
Click here for the latest travel information on the NHS Fit for Travel website.
More information can be found on the Scottish Government Travel Advice: Coronavirus
Travellers leaving the UK are not able to access PCR testing via the NHS. This link will provide you with a list of private providers:
Click here for the Covid 19 Privacy Notice

We recognise that during periods of uncertainty and high anxiety, society can often display negative behaviours and values towards each other and we ask that our staff and community continue to work towards our CORE values.
Compassion is showing empathy and sympathy towards each other. Our staff demonstrate compassion on a daily basis towards both patients and families. During this time of uncertainty, we ask that all those within our communities pull together and check in on one another. This could be a daily call or dropping off some basic supplies to those note able to leave their homes.
We are working hard to ensure we can provide clear, open and transparent information to staff and the community. We ask our community to assist by ensuring they do not share false news information that can cause panic but to only share, discuss and action information that is being produced on this site and recognised health and government sites.
In our daily lives, we all expect to be treated with dignity and respect, in times of uncertainty, this is even more important. Our commitment to our community is that we will continue to treat those we meet and care for with courtesy, thoughtfulness and consideration for their situation. Additionally, we can all be thoughtful around the availability of resources and demand on our services, and would ask that in light of this, NHS property should not be removed from our facilities as they are required for the care of our patients. For example, hand sanitiser is one of our most valuable resources at this time.
We are committed to offering safe, high quality health and social care services. In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we have updated guidance at the entrances of all of our buildings and improved hand hygiene guidance throughout our facilities. We ask our communities to support us in following this guidance to manage and prevent a greater spread of infection.
Accessible Information
It is important that information on COVID-19 is accessible for as many people as possible.
NHS Inform has key information documents on COVID-19 available in several languages including:
- Arabic
- Slovak
- Hindi
- Chinese
- Polish
- Romanian
- Urdu
NHS Inform also has COVID-19 advice available in:
- Easy Read
- Audio Format
You can access all these in the Other Languages and Formats Section on NHS Inform here:
In addition, Dumfries and Galloway Council has a very useful Accessible Information page on their website. This provides information on COVID-19 in a range of formats as well as updates on council services as signed BSL videos. The Accessible Information page can be found here:
The Board’s We Welcome Your Feedback leaflet is available in other languages here.