NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Hot weather safety advice

Anyone enjoying the warm weather over the coming days will get more pleasure if they follow a few simple safety rules.

Avoid the hottest sun by staying in the shade, wearing loose fitting clothing, and using a high factor (at least SPF30) sunscreen – this is particularly true in the middle of the day when it only takes a few minutes of direct sun to cause a painful burn.

However, the heat itself can cause problems – particularly for the very young, the elderly, and those people with existing health problems.

Some medications also don’t mix well with hot weather and dehydration.

Drinking plenty, but avoiding drinks that increase dehydration – those with alcohol and caffeine – is the best protection.

Staying in the shade, and a cooling shower can also help.

Remember that some places increase the risk of heat problems – including cars and caravans – never leave children, the elderly, or pets alone in these settings.

Anyone wanting to swim should be aware of the risks from swimming in the sea, rivers, and lochs.

Follow any warning signs, don’t jump in from bridges and rocks, and be particularly aware of the risk from blue-green algae in the water.

Anyone feeling unwell from the heat or sun can get advice and help from NHS24, visiting https://www.nhsinform.scot/ or telephoning 111.