NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Young People Vaccinations

From January to the end of February, the Td/IPV vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus and polio) and the meningitis ACWY vaccine is delivered in schools and is offered to all young people who are in S3 (around 14 years of age) and those who are home schooled.

From the end of February to the end of March the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is delivered in schools and offered to every S1 pupil (first dose) and S2 (second dose).

HPV vaccine – Immunisations in Scotland | NHS inform

If you have an enquiry about vaccinations or to reschedule an appointment please contact us.

Email: dg.schoolvaccinations@nhs.scot (Including home-schooled)

Telephone: 01387 246952 / 01387 241280 / 01387 246956 (Including home-schooled)

Flu Vaccine

All primary and secondary school pupils are eligible for the flu vaccine, which is given in schools as a painless nasal spray.

Consent packs containing a letter, leaflet and consent form will be sent home to parents and carers of school children on return to school in August. Secondary pupils can self-consent, though they are encouraged to speak to a parent or carer first.

Primary and secondary school pupils are vaccinated by NHS Dumfries and Galloway’s Immunisation staff in their school. The school flu vaccination programme runs from September – December.

Heading off to University or College?

Before starting university or college, it’s important to check if you’re up to date with your vaccines. Visit nhsinform.scot/vaccinesforstudents for more information about vaccines