NHS DUMFRIES and Galloway Chairman Nick Morris is to step down from his role in July.
Mr Morris took on the post in January 2019, bringing with him 33 years’ of experience in health and social care – including ten as Executive Director of a large Mental Health and Social Care NHS Trust.
Speaking as he prepares to resign the role, Mr Morris said: “I am honoured to have held the position of Chairman of NHS Dumfries and Galloway for more than five years, during what has proved to be one of the most challenging periods for the NHS since its formation in 1948.
“During this time, and the world-changing effects of COVID-19, I have been so impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the incredibly hardworking staff within this organisation.
“The quality of the people who deliver healthcare services within our region, their skills and knowledge, is second to none, and deserves fullest recognition.
“I’m incredibly proud to have been a part of this work. While NHS Dumfries and Galloway still faces significant challenges over coming years, it’s the outstanding people working right across this organisation who give me confidence in its ability to meet these challenges, and to continue to deliver important services for the benefit of everyone within our region.”
The timeline for Mr Morris’ departure was set out in correspondence with the Chief Executive of NHS Scotland in June 2023.
Newly-appointed NHS Dumfries and Galloway Chief Executive Julie White has paid tribute to Mr Morris.
Mrs White said: “A great deal of gratitude is owed to Nick for his years as chairman of NHS Dumfries and Galloway.
“We have been extremely lucky to have had such great leadership at a key time for us organisationally, and Nick’s understanding and insights around the challenges and opportunities we have experienced has proved crucial.
“I’d like to express personal thanks to Nick for all that he has done, and as he leaves the role of Chairman, with NHS Dumfries and Galloway having benefited very significantly from his time in the post.”
A process will now be put in place led by Public Appointment https://www.gov.scot/collections/public-appointments/