NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Participation and Engagement Network

Dumfries and Galloway Participation and Engagement Network is a way for members of the public, patients, carers and community groups to get involved in improving local services within the region.

Anyone aged 16 or over who has an interest in the services delivered within Dumfries and Galloway is welcome. We want the Network to reflect the diversity of our community and we welcome people from all backgrounds.

The Network is managed by NHS Dumfries and Galloway on behalf of the Community Planning Partnership.

Membership of the Participation and Engagement Working Group includes representation from Council, NHS, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Health and Social Care Partnership, Third Sector D&G, The Echo, SWestrans, D&G College, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Skills Development Scotland, Community Action through Participation and Engagement Network (CAPE).

To get involved, email dgcommunications@nhs.scot or write to us at: DGRI, A75, Cargenbridge, DG2 8RX

Click the below link to download the PEN newsletter

PEN newsletter Summer 2024