NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Pop-up clinic success as region pushes for fullest COVID vaccination

A pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Dumfries proved a big success, with other opportunities to expand vaccine access being explored.
It comes after Dumfries and Galloway became the first Board within Scotland to see 80 per cent of adults aged 18 to 29 receive a first dose vaccination, and as work continues to try and ensure the highest possible uptake across all ages.
Valerie White is Director of Public Health in NHS Dumfries and Galloway, and she said: “We’ve seen an amazing response from people in Dumfries and Galloway to the COVID vaccination programme.
“Every person who has taken up the opportunity to be vaccinated represents another challenge to COVID-19’s ability to impact on our region.
“Very grateful thanks is due to everyone who has taken up the opportunity to be vaccinated, and to our local vaccination team who have been doing such an amazing job.”
A pop-up vaccination clinic in the car park of Morrisons supermarket in Brooms Road, Dumfries, last Friday attracted nearly 120 people. This included people taking the opportunity to get their first vaccination, and others who had been waiting more than eight weeks for their second dose.
Marta, from the Borders, was the first to be vaccinated on the day.
She said: “The pop-up was a very smooth experience. I was happy to receive the vaccination today as I live in the Borders and work in Dumfries, and this was easier to attend.”
Drop-in clinics running across the region offer first dose vaccinations are available for anyone who will have turned 18 on or by 31 October 2021, and second doses for anyone who has been waiting more than eight weeks.
Scheduled appointment clinics can also provide vaccinations to people aged 16 and above who are immune-suppressed.
Pointing to the positive results emerging from the vaccination programme, Valerie White said: “We’ve started to see a definite weakening of the link between the virus and the numbers of people requiring help in hospital, and that’s due to vaccinations.
“However, anyone who has not yet been vaccinated will still be as vulnerable to the virus as they have been at any point during the pandemic, and with increased chances to encounter the virus now that restrictions have eased.
“Sadly, people can go on to suffer from the effects of Long COVID.
“We’d therefore encourage everyone to consider getting vaccinated, which will help prime their bodies’ own immune system to combat the virus when they come into contact with it.”
Details of all vaccination opportunities in the region can be found by visiting the website www.nhsdg.co.uk/vaccines/
A video has been produced in which Charge Nurse for the Nithsdale Immunisation Team Lorna Jardine offers an idea of what to expect when arriving at a vaccination clinic. This can be viewed at the following address: https://youtu.be/eJDQgHoU9C4
As at end of 26 July 2021, 93.9 per cent of adults aged 18 plus in Dumfries and Galloway had received a first dose vaccination, at a total of 114,816. In Scotland as a whole, this stands at 89.5 per cent.
Meanwhile, 74.4 per cent of adults aged 18 plus had received a second dose, totalling 90,780. Nationally, this stands at 69.4 per cent.
A total of 2833 vaccinations were delivered at drop-in clinics since July 6 2021, with 32 per cent of those being first dose vaccinations and 68 per cent second dose.
Drop-in clinics provide a quick, free and convenient opportunity, so to find out when these are taking place please visit www.nhsdg.co.uk/vaccines
Appointments can be made by visiting nhsinform.scot/vaccineregistration , by calling the local helpline on 01387 403090, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, or by emailing dg.covidenquiries@nhs.scot