NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Procurement and Tendering

NHS Dumfries & Galloway buys goods and services by competition and in compliance with government policy and the relevant legislation. The procurement process complies with the NHS Dumfries & Galloway Code of Corporate Governance and the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations. The Service seeks to achieve best value for the items that most closely meet its requirements. Contract award decisions are based on the assessment of a range of evaluation criteria specific to the goods or services being purchased.

Procurement Strategy 2018/19 – 2020/21
Procurement Strategy 2024/25 – 2026/27
Procurement Annual Report 2017-18
Procurement Annual Report 2018-19
Procurement Annual Report 2019-20
Procurement Annual Report 2020-21
Procurement Annual Report 2021-22
Procurement Annual Report 2022-23
Procurement Annual Report 2023-24

NHS Dumfries & Gallloway uses the eProcurement Scotland system (PECOS) for the placement of orders. The system has improved efficiency in the ordering process through the use of electronic catalogues and a paperless order process.

NHS Dumfries & Galloway advertises contract opportunities above and below the EU thresholds on the Public Contracts Scotland Portal. Public Contracts Scotland is provided by the Scottish Government. It is free to use and we encourage all suppliers to register their details. By registering your details you will benefit from free e-mail notifications of contract opportunities that may interest your company.
For tender opportunities please go to the Public Contracts Scotland website.


There are two centres of expertise in Scotland which award framework agreements and contracts on behalf of NHS Scotland. NHS Dumfries & Galloway must use these contracts to purchase/lease goods:-

Category A: National Contracts for Goods and Services of a similar standard or nature.
Procurement Scotland is the organisation tasked with implementing contracts and frameworks for National Category A goods and services on behalf of all Scottish Public bodies.

Category B: Commodities & Services that are unique to a specific sector yet common within that Sector
National Procurement is the centre of procurement expertise for Health in Scotland, dealing with Category B commodities. The organisation is tasked with procuring and delivering a wide range of products and services which will support NHSS Health Boards in providing the highest levels of patient care and with promoting procurement reform within the sector, all underpinned with effective e-enabled technology solutions to allow Health Boards visibility and control of 3rd party expenditure. NP seeks to deliver the highest levels of customer service while providing procurement savings which can be reinvested to the benefits of patients.

Category C: Commodities not categorised as A or B. Establishment of contracts will be conducted as the remit of a single organisation
These contracts are tendered and awarded by NHS Dumfries & Gallloway.

Category C1
NHS Dumfries & Galloway are also involved in the development of a Regional Consortia (West of Scotland Procurement Consortia) which benefits from sharing resources and economies of scale with other Boards across the West of Scotland to award contracts on a Regional basis.