NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010

Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 came into force on 1st October 2010.  The new duties of the Scottish Government and public bodies under part 3 of the Act is to publish a range of financial and other information intended to promote openness and transparency across the public sector in Scotland.

Additional financial and performance information is contained in the Annual Accounts.


Finance and Performance 

Public Relations

Publicity & Advertising     
Press Advertising etc£0£0£0£0£0
Radio Advertising£0£0£0£0£0
TV Advertising£0£0£0£0£0
Advertising – Web/Online£220£830£0£2,550£3,054
Books/leaflets – printing etc£6,082£4,193£1,226£5,935£11,074
Publicity General£1,444£10,149£4,443£4,663£11,103
Other External Advertising     
Employment Recruitment£163,794£55,777£554,526£100,423£184,257
PR Campaigns & Events     
Acute Services Redevelopment£1,627£0£0£0£0
Putting You First£0£0£0£0£0
All Meeting Room Hire£30,442£35,490£0£1,482£19,451
Corporate Communications     
Number of Employees55567
Communication Department Salaries£196,259£224,630£228,473£245,992£306,757
Press Advertising£0£324£0£125£330
Publicity – general£1,777£1,596£480£0£0
Web & other IT costs£890£2,391£0£0£0
Communications – Other£4,245£57,427£11,537£17,748£24,998

Expenditure included:
Publicity and Advertising – Costs associated with “corporate communications” are included in these costs and also shown separately in their section.
Corporate Communications – All employee and other expenditure included.

Expenditure on events and external meeting room hire is not recorded separately.   

Overseas Travel

Number of Trips139016
Total Cost£12,872£6,739£0£1,363£5,235

Expenditure relates to Clinical Staff development.
Full cost of trip from departure to return where funded by the Board.
Costs include: travel, accommodation, course fees, registration fees, conference fees and other
associated costs.
Some of this expenditure has been resourced from endowment funds.

Hospitality & Entertainment

Hospitality & Entertainment£36,608£46,086£27,355£22,588£43,385

Additional Information:
The Act requires the following to be disclosed: Any gifts, meals, parties, receptions, tickets for or invitations to public, sporting, cultural or other events or other similar benefits accorded by a public body to its own members or employees or third parties for whatever reason.

The Act allows for “one off” gifts of less than £25.
The information above includes the provision of teas/coffees/sandwiches etc for training courses held on site.

No expenditure has been incurred in any year for the following – Client entertainment, gifts, tickets for or invitations to public, sporting, cultural or other events or other similar benefits accorded by a public body to its own members or employees or third parties for whatever reason.

 External Consultancy

IT Projects£34,693£3,051£3,040£7,070£116,152
Training & Development£7,146£1,714£3,260£340£340

Estates now includes costs associated with the Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary redevelopment

Payments over £25,000

Click on the following link to access
Payments over £25,000

 Members or employees who received remuneration in excess of £150,000
Executive Board Members
Medical Director11111
Director of Public Health00011
Total Clinical11122
Non Clinical00000
Total Board Members11122
Senior Employees     
Non Clinical00000
Total Senior Employees3031384145

Salary, bonus or other discretionary performance payments, allowances, fees, royalties (including any relating to a prior year).

Pension, voluntary severance, compromise agreements and redundancy payments.

Number of employees is as stated in the Annual Accounts for the relevant year.
Links to the published Annual Accounts by year are included on the “Public Service Reform Act”
home page. For additional data refer to the “Remuneration Report” for Executive Board Members and “Note 2(b)” for Senior Managers sections in these documents.

If you have a query under Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, please write to:

Communications/Freedom of Information Officer
Chief Executive’s Office
Ground North
Mountainhall Treatment Centre
Bankend Road
Dumfries DG1 4AP

Email: dg.feedback2@nhs.scot
Telephone: 01387 272752

Information can still be requested via the Freedom of Information (Scotland) 2002