NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Infant holding a parent's hand

Update on antenatal services

AN UPDATE can now be provided on what the suspension non-urgent outpatient and inpatient activity at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary and Galloway Community Hospital will mean for antenatal services.

All essential antenatal care will continue to be provided across Dumfries and Galloway. Your midwife will discuss your individual needs with you when you are next scheduled to be seen.

Some non-essential care will unfortunately have to be cancelled as the maternity services team will no longer be able to provide the following:

• Parentcraft classes
• Tours of facilities
• Group feed talks
• Peer support breast feeding groups
• Home birth cover – due to availability of staff.

Various new pathways have been developed to support pregnant women and their babies during the current situation. Further information will be circulated to explain how pregnant women can keep up to date through the Women’s portal [Pregnancy App].