NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Vaccination programme reaches final adult group

VACCINATIONS against COVID-19 are now underway for the final adult cohort in Dumfries and Galloway.

Work started this week to begin vaccinating people aged 18-29 – but with a request for remaining people in this age group who did not book in advance online to now go online and check their scheduled vaccination date.

Immunisation Co-ordinator Dr Nigel Calvert said: “We’ve now started first dose COVID-19 vaccinations in Dumfries and Galloway for our final adult cohort – people aged 18 to 29.

“Originally scheduled first dose vaccinations for people aged 30 to 39 are wrapping up now, as we move into this youngest adult grouping – continuing to offer the Pfizer vaccine among these younger cohorts.

“Vaccination appointments are being scheduled very quickly, including some for the start of next week.

“Many people aged 18 to 29 went online to book their appointment, and will have received those details by email or by text. With an awareness that some people who did not book online may not receive their appointment letters until the end of this week, we’d ask them to now go online and check when their appointment has been scheduled and reschedule it if necessary.

“The address to visit is https://invitations.vacs.nhs.scot/

As at close of June 14, a total of 106,007 first dose vaccinations have taken place in Dumfries and Galloway, representing 86 per cent of the population adult population aged 18 plus. Nationally, the average is 79 per cent.

In terms of second dose vaccinations, this currently stands at 84,902, or 68.7 per cent of the adult population, against a national average of 55 per cent.

Dr Calvert said: “We’re now urging anyone aged over 30 who has not yet had their first vaccination to call the local helpline and speak to one our local members of staff who can help make arrangements.

“Transport support is available for some people who may be experiencing difficulty, and the team are there and happy to speak about arrangements.

“Additionally, we’re asking anyone aged over 50 who hasn’t yet had their second vaccination to get in touch through the same helpline, which is 01387 403090 and can be phoned 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, email dg.covidenquiries@nhs.scot

“We know that the Delta Variant is having a big impact nationally. It’s much more easily passed from person to person than the previous variant, and there’s reason to believe that it can have a bigger impact on someone’s health. However, it’s been shown that two vaccine doses provide the best defence.

“It’s really important that as many people as possible in our communities gets vaccinated. It doesn’t just help protect them – it helps to stop the virus passing to their loved ones, to places of employment, local businesses and our communities.

“We’ve currently enjoying freedoms that we worked very hard to secure, but the current situation remains fragile and we know how quickly things can change.

“So, please do attend a vaccination when it is offered, and if you haven’t yet been vaccinated for whatever reason, do please take up the opportunity by contacting the friendly team on our local helpline, 01387 403090.”

A new video has been produced in association with Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association. It sees its members putting forward questions and concerns about COVID-19 vaccination, with Immunisation Co-ordinator and Consultant in Public Health Medicine Dr Calvert providing responses. The video can be viewed by visiting https://youtu.be/Eh57B5uS-eY