NHS Dumfries & Galloway

COVID cases in Dumfries and Galloway


A total of nine new cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the Gretna and Annan areas of Dumfries and Galloway since Monday. 

Each person is currently self-isolating, and work continues to take place through the local Test and Protect system to identify their recent contacts and to make any necessary testing arrangements in a bid to limit any further exposure. We are monitoring this very closely and will provide further updates as the situation develops. 

We will be making the mobile testing unit available for any members of the public experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 to access testing. Further information on the date and location of the mobile unit will be issued shortly. 

We have been very fortunate to have had a relatively small number of coronavirus cases in Dumfries and Galloway over recent weeks, but these new cases highlight the importance of continuing to follow Scottish Government Guidance and continued vigilance for symptoms of coronavirus which are: 

Increased temperature

Continuous cough

Change to or loss of sense of taste and smell 

Anyone experiencing these symptoms should visit the website www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-getting-tested/ or telephone 0800 028 2816. 

Valerie White, Interim Director of Public Health, said “These new cases are a clear reminder of the challenges we face in learning to live with COVID-19. “As we move out of lockdown we are very likely to see areas of localised outbreak. 

“Our Test and Protect system is designed to identify cases and their contacts and provide advice and support to individuals in relation to self isolating for the required period. That is why everyone must continue to stay alert, get a test if they have symptoms, and self isolate. 

“In addition, we must all continue to follow the national guidance in Scotland which includes directions around physical distancing, and maintaining good hygiene including regular hand washing and avoiding touching the face. 

“We must be really clear this is a highly infectious illness and it is not an individual’s fault that they contract this disease. It can and it does affect anyone. 

“Together our actions have likely helped save hundreds of lives within the region, and we would very much encourage them to continue.”