NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Restrictions eased around COVID cluster

An outbreak of COVID-19 cases the Annan and Gretna areas is now judged to have been contained – allowing an easing of local restrictions.

The Scottish Government announced today that residents in six postcode areas are now able to travel more than five miles for leisure, and with visiting permitted to care homes. These postcode areas are DG16 (Gretna), DG12 (Annan), DG1 and DG2 (Dumfries), DG11 (Lockerbie), DG13 (Langholm) and DG14 (Canonbie).

The cluster stands at 12 confirmed cases and 23 contacts who are self-isolating.NHS Chief Executive Jeff Ace says the lifting of restrictions follows a very effective multi-agency response in partnership with the local community.Mr Ace said: “We are extremely grateful to everyone who has played a role in addressing this cluster of cases, helping us to a position where The Scottish Government has now judged that restrictions can be eased.

“A big debt of gratitude is due to our Test and Protect team led by Interim Director of Public Valerie White for the outstanding work they have carried out. Our colleagues in other agencies through the Local Resilience Partnership have also played a vital role, particularly in getting messaging out to the public.

“We owe a big thanks to everyone who followed the directions, and we appreciate how well they have approached a situation which may have caused inconvenience and frustration. Particularly, however, we owe thanks to all those people who engaged so positively with our Test and Protect team, and who by self-isolating, undergoing tests or providing information were able to help limit the spread.

“COVID-19 is a highly transmissible disease, and anybody can potentially be affected – even with the best of preventative efforts.

“However, the directions which remain in place provide us with the best chance we have to protect ourselves, our families, friends, neighbours and colleagues from this potentially devastating virus, and I’d urge everyone to continue to follow that guidance.

“This may not be the last time we’re faced with a situation like this, and we must remain vigilant to the danger posed by COVID-19.”