NHS Dumfries & Galloway

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)

Like all public sector organisations, NHS Dumfries and Galloway is required to assess the impact of all its policies, services and functions on equality. This means that we must try to predict what will happen to different groups of people affected by our work, and then make changes to our plans so that any possibility of a negative impact is reduced or eliminated.

To do this NHS Dumfries and Galloway uses a procedure called Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA).

A good Equality Impact Assessment has to focus on key questions and actions is much more likely to achieve a worthwhile assessment and lead to identifying realistic actions.

The Equality Impact Assessment help to:

  • Develop policies that focus on positive outcomes and solutions
  • Identify what is working well, in addition to what needs improving
  • Encourage greater openness and involvement in policy making and service delivery
  • Develop good practice
  • Demonstrate Leadership on equality of service delivery
  • Help to avoid claims of unlawful discrimination

Impact assessments are listed below:

For hard copies of the impact assessment documents please contact:

Lynsey Fitzpatrick
Equality and Diversity Lead
Organisational Development and Learning (ODL) Team
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Lower Ground North
Mountainhall Treatment Centre
Bankend Road

Tel: 01387 244259
Email: lynsey.fitzpatrick@nhs.scot